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来源: 日期:2012-11-09 00:00 点击:

Law School of Tongji University (Tongji) and Loyola Law School of Los Angeles (Loyola), seeking to establish and deepen an institutional relationship between the schools, enter into this Memorandum of Understanding.
Primary Objectives:
Both institutions agree that the primary objectives of this MOU include, but are not limited to, the following:
1.1 Faculty: Each school will try to send professors to the other school to give lectures, do research, and give workshops on matters within their academic expertise. On occasion, a professor from the partner university may be invited to teach a class for credit. Each school will provide financial support for their own faculty unless other arrangements are made.
1.2 Students: Tongji will nominate five graduate law students to attend the LLM program at Loyola for one fall semester each year. The credit earned during this semester will be recognized by Tongji. Accepted Tongji students will receive a 50% tuition scholarship from Loyola for one fall semester before graduating from Tongji and another 50% tuition scholarship from Loyola for one fall or spring semester after graduating from Tongji.
Administration of the MOU
2.1 Each institution shall identify a member of its full-time staff as the coordinator responsible for the effective implementation of this MOU.
2.2 This MOU may be amended at any time by written mutual consent through an exchange of letters.
This MOU will be valid for a period of five years. Discussions will take place four years following the signing to renew or extend the MOU. It may be terminated by six-months written notice by either party.

附: 该项目介绍。

Loyola法学院(Loyola Law school)
· 《普林斯顿评论》将Loyola法学院评为最佳教授第七名少数族裔学生最佳环境第七名,以及最佳课堂体验第九名
· 《国家法学》将Loyola法学院评为公共利益法第八名
· 《美国新闻与世界报道》将Loyola法学院评为审判辩护第五名税法第十名少数族裔招生第九名
· 《超级律师》将Loyola法学院评为全美法学院排名第二十九名
· 希望对美国法律及商业有透彻理解
· 需在美国执业或与美国有生意及贸易往来
· 加入一个由16,000 名Loyola法学院校友所组成的庞大商业与专业人才团队
· 1学年(两学期)
· 24学分的课程计划
2学分 美国法律概论(必修)
3学分 外国律师的美国法律研究及写作(必修)
19学分 从Loyola法学院提供的160门覆盖各业务领域的课程中选择,如知识产权,环境法及商法等
· 托福90分或雅思6.5分(及更高)
· 申请费用:25美元
· 学费和其他费用:约44,275美元

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