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来源: 日期:2010-04-03 00:00 点击:

意大利律所实习项目 牛津大学法学夏季班 美国密苏里大学法学院奖学金项目


意大利律所SSLX为维多利亚老品牌76696vic学生提供在意大利实习3个月的机会,有意者请先报名参加律所在同济大学举办的4次法律业务讲座以了解意大利司法体系和介绍律师实务等。然后再由意大利律所决定2名人选(每学期)赴意大利进行系统涉外法律实务培训(在意大利住宿、交通由对方负责)。报名请联系程德理书记和陈东华老师:cdl@tongji.edu.cn cdh@tongji.edu.cn ,报名截止:4月20日;开班:预计4月底。 详情见意大利律所律师信函如下:


Aim and purpose of the workshops: The aim and purpose of those workshops is to give to the students the opportunity to learn more about Italy and the Italian system; Give to the students practical advice and information about Italy, to make easier for them to adapt quickly to such a different reality. Give the opportunity to SLSLEX to decide together with Tongji the best candidates for the Trainee Programme in Naples. Program contents:

1. first,an introduction to the Italian History, Cultural and Legal system will be given: Due to the huge extension of the subjects in this first part, the lessons are prepared on basic concept, later on we are going to decide if we want to integrate some specific moudules on the most important topics (i.e.: Italian judiciary).

2. The other workshops, starting from the third one, are more specific regarding the most important issues of international trade (that more than FDI involves China and Italy) and in particular:

- Distribution and supply contracts

- CE marking and UE certifications

- Litigation and ADR

3. I prepared also some printed documents (i.e.: Glossary of most used italian terms, english copy of the Italian Constitution, Timelines). I'll send you everytime the draft of the workshop at least one week before the class, so you can check the content and if there is something to change we can work on it. Please let's arrange together a more precise schedule so that I can arrange my agenda. All the best, Francesco




Oxford Summer Law School at Oriel College All students from Tongji University or all other Chinese universities are invited to participate in Oxford Summer Law School held at Oriel College of University of Oxford, UK and organized by CBL International in summer 2010. The Programme offers lectures about: 1. International Intellectual Property Law 2. International Taxation Law 3. International Business Law 4. WTO law 5. International financial institutions 6. Many other important legal topics 7. Visit to London included 8. Visit to Royal High Courts of Justice included 9. Programme is supported by PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte, Rouse International and international and US law firms The programme is offered in July and August 2010 and it is a 3-week summer programme: 1. July 12 – July 30, 2010 2. August 2 – August 20, 2010 Please find more information here: www.oxford-summer-lawschool.com Here you can apply: /userfiles/files/ol_application.pdf


2010年3月31日,美国密苏里大学法学院伦道夫教授(Patrick Randolph)在维多利亚老品牌76696vic做了一次关于“目前美国面临的金融风暴中房地产抵押被银行执行的问题”的精彩讲座。伦道夫教授现在为美国密苏里大学法学院教授和北京大学法学院房地产法研究中心负责人,他在美国房地产法领域卓有成绩,和中国有着非常深厚的友谊,对中国房地产法也有研究。他曾经获得北京市政府颁发的长城友谊奖和温总理亲自颁发的国家友谊奖。 伦道夫教授本次来华也是为了在华招收JD和LLM学生,他所在的UMKC和中国渊源深厚,每年都为中国学生提供大量奖学金,有意申请的同学可以自行上网:http://www1.law.umkc.edu/academic/china/llm/overview.htm 查看信息,或者询问其助手Ms. Nancy Kunkel: kunkeln@umkc.edu 美国电话:816 235 1647 (详细介绍可参考法学院3月31日网站讲座内容中的附件部分)

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