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Essential Materials for international students (留学生选课培养答辩相关文件)

来源: 日期:2021-08-09 12:05 点击:

Courses Selection and Set up Personal Study plan 选课及培养计划制定:

Tips on Choosing Public Courses for International Postgraduates of Tongji University.pdf


A General View of China and Chinese courses Schedule of Fall 2022 2022秋季学期中国概况、第一外国语(汉语)课程表.pdf (仅供英文授课研究生)

2022秋季学期中国概况、第一外国语(汉语)课程表 (仅供中文授课研究生).pdf

2021_Law_Training Program.pdf

Guidelines for formulating personal training scheme (Graduate).docx(1元系统选课及培养计划制定操作指南)

Instructions on Tongji Advanced Lectures 同济大学高等讲堂修读说明:


Evaluation Form of Tongji Advanced Lecture(compulsories)for International Graduate Students (Double Degree)双学位留学生同济高等讲堂学分认定申请表.docx

Evaluation Form of Tongji Advanced Lecture(compulsories)+for International Graduate Students (Non-chinese)国际留学生(非汉语)同济高等讲堂学分评定表.docx

The Evaluation Form of Academic Conduct Norms for graduate students (Compulsory Units)研究生学术行为规范 必须环节:

The Evaluation Form of Academic Conduct Norms (Compulsorty course) for graduate student 研究生学术行为规范(必修环节)评定表.docx

Thesis Proposal and Mid-term Evaluation 开题报告及中期考核:

Guidelines for thesis proposal of 1.tongji.edu.cn.docx

Fill in thesis propsal form and name it with student ID and convert it into PDF version and upload it to system 1.doc

Guidelines for Final Version of Dissertation Topic.docx

Mid-term Evaluation for Academic Master Degree 同济大学研究生中期(综合)考核记录表(文件命名要求:学号姓名;该表线下填写,填写完毕自行转成PDF,上传系统).doc

Instructions On Mid-term Assessment Application and Submission.pdf

Guidelines for Mid-Term Examination (Graduate).docx

Credit Recogniton 学分认定:


The Application Form for Credit Recognition of Postgraduate Courses同济大学研究生课程学分认定申请表20210622(中英文版).docx

Oral Defense 正式答辩:

Procedure of Oral Defense for Master Degree20220331.pdf

Online collection of graduation photos.pdf

Requirements of thesis formation and standard 同济大学研究生学位论文写作示例(2021 英文版).doc

Application Form for Master’s Degree 硕士学位审批表(2021 英文).doc

Evaluation Form for Thesis of Academic Master Degree 学术型硕士学位论文评阅意见书(英文版).pdf

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